I have an evening class that I don't just love. Thankfully it's only for 6 weeks and as of tonight, it's half over! I got tired of taking notes so instead I chose to do this:
I got a little dizzy doing this and now my hand is sore. But still more interesting than taking notes.
Also, today's dinner:
Cafeteria food: Hamburger, Salad, and Strawberries. |
I checked my mailbox today hoping that I would get one of the books that I ordered last week. I need to have it read in about a week and a half, so hoping to get it in soon! I got a slip that said I had a package and was a little disappointed that it wasn't one of my books, yet pleasantly surprised to find this:
My long lost file box! |
So, I had this little file box due at the end of the semester in the spring for one of my counseling classes. I worked hard and had some really good articles and little tools to use in the future, and let's face it, the box itself is so pretty and I wanted it back! Because everyone had already gone home for the summer when the prof emailed to say that he was done and we could pick them up, I just assumed that he would hold on to the ones for people who aren't local and give them back at the beginning of this year. Also, I realize that I only live about 25-30 minutes away, but I wasn't going to waste a tank of gas to pick up a box. So when the first few weeks of school came and went without a sign of my box, I just assumed I wouldn't get it back. I had thought about emailing the prof a few times to see if he still had it, but kept putting it off. Yey! I got it back today!
Anyway, that's about all. I ought to go do some homework now so,
Until next time...