Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 23

What the world is this?:
Broke down gas man
 So I see this little gas man everyday when I go to fill up on coffee and always wondered what it was about. NTA is one of the mother companies, and I always thought this was a weird way to advertise your business. Does a sad old gas attendant at a trashy broke down station represent what this company is and show it's success? Weird. I've seen these other places, some of the execs have them in their offices. Stacie an I usually just laugh and pose like this:


to describe our broke down-ness in this job. So, today it got the best of me and I walked into my bosses office and said, 'I have a question. What in the world is the odd gas man statue about?!?' She just laughed and said that the owner had them made for all of the executives a couple of years ago. Neither of us could figure out the symbolism of the gas man, and it just may always remain a mystery.

Until next time...

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