Thursday, January 20, 2011

Serving for Jesus

Cleaning out the rock beds

Jason cleaning his own car :)

Proof that I did something.

My new home! :)

Come join me in my treehouse!

We've discussed why we serve a lot, I think it's a good reminder. We serve because Jesus served, because it's a way to shine His light, and an opportunity to give others the helping hand they need. Also- it can just be really good exercise! Today we were around the the Mark Centre (the retreat center where we are staying) and doing some clean up work outside. Some washed peoples cars for them, while the rest of us did some lawn work (raking and pruning and such). We spend a lot of time sitting around with all of the sessions we have and books that we read, so a little moving around is a good thing!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. i just noticed your subheading/byline up there.. there is nothing average about your life, girl! :D
