Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let's get you up to date!

I've been gone for less that 48 hours and already... wow. Overwhelmed. It's exciting and scary and awkward and beautiful! We sat around and read the entire book of Mark tonight while drinking literally the best chai latte ever and then had a random jam/worship session. Now I'm exhausted and just want to sleep, but I know that you (my faithful readers (Thanks mom and dad! ;) )) NEED to know what has transpired in the last two days. And I'm also putting off sleep because I'm too lazy to clear some things off of my bed. Well, here goes:

Said Adios to my family... :(

Flew over some beautiful mountains!

And at one point the clouds broke and I could see land. I could have sworn we were flying over Antarctica, it was probably just Montana. :)

***WARNING*** Cheesy 90's Christian Music Reference

Okay, saw this one and had a good chuckle. Totally made me think of Steven Curtis Chapman's song 'Saddle up your horses'. Then of course for the rest of the flight that song was rolling through my head. But I thought it was very appropriate! Let me share some:

Saddle up your horses we've got a trail to blaze
Through the wild blue yonder of God's amazing grace
Let's follow our leader into the glorious unknown
This is a life like no other - this is The Great Adventure

1st fish and chips! YUM!!
In all of my experience with Seattle (1 1/2 hours at the airport) I think it's just as great as I've imagined! ;) Delicious fresh fish, STARBUCKS!, And an awesome friend to keep me company! 

The ridiculously small plane for the ridiculously short flight!

Trekkers!! Plus interns... and some other tourists!
We got to go to Vancouver for a bit today and even though it was short, it was great! Looks like an awesome city and I hope I get to visit it for real again sometime!

Well... I'm pooped. And my bum and back are tired of sitting here. So therefore... The End!

Until next time...


  1. Andrea, praying for you and excited to read your next post.

  2. This was the best pic of me you could have posted? ;)

  3. SO glad to live vicariously through you...re blog :) LOVE you friend and praying for your "Great Adventure" daily! God is good - strike that - God is GREAT!

  4. loved, loved, loved flying with you and having company!!
