Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Is it possible that I could typing this up on the actual drive home? Yes. I have internet through my dad's phone to my computer! Crazy technology! Why not use this long long drive to accomplish a blog entry?!

Well... at this moment, I'm somehere between Salina, Kansas and Olathe, Kansas! Getting excited to see lots of friends and family over the next few days, as well as sleeping in my own bed!

Approximately 2000+ miles, one province, 6 states, a bag of sunflower seeds, countless potty stops, and amazingly, only one slightly sketchy hotel room later- We've seen lots of awesome places (and some less than exciting) I'm so thankful to my family for humoring me and picking me up in BC rather than just the airport in KC! We've had lots of laughs and it was a great way to catch up with them, but also to give myself ample time to process and think about the upcoming weeks and months. No real solid plans yet, but I trust that the Lord will continue to be faithful and guide my every step!

So really, I don't have much else to say, so maybe I'll just show some pictures? Sure... 

Dinner with the Family in Bellingham, Wa

The Original Starbucks in Seattle!

Top of a mountain in Wa, snows over my head! Brr!!

Well, expect more blogs. The journey certainly doesn't stop here! And be sure to look out for more pictures on Facebook!

Until next time...


  1. I am sooooooooooo glad you are planning on writing more blogs! I have actually really come to enjoy writing on my blog and I am a blog-reading JUNKY! Also, you look very pretty! :)

  2. Thanks friend! I'm enjoying blogging too, and stalking other blogs too! :)
