Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back to normal

This week I caught myself thinking 'Hmm, guess life is back to normal.' I mean, after all, my car is beginning to have that lived in feel, I'm back to living at home with my parents, I'm working in some cubicle in an office, and once again I'm wondering what my next steps are. 

But, man, I don't want normal. I don't want the old normal back and I certainly don't want to settle into another routine of comfort. 

So what will be different this time? A renewed sense of purpose?  New goals? I don't want to be bored with life and I certainly don't want to waste it!

So I'm not entirely sure yet. 

What about you? Are you settled into a routine of comfort?

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Are we neighbors? You must live in my neighborhood if you're having these feelings. The thing is normal is great if your normal is amazing. Right? I mean, let's say you were somebody who shaped the history of our existence like Martin Luther King Jr., or just Martin Luther for that matter. Maybe Gandhi, or Louis Pasteur, your normal would be amazing right? Actually, if you were any of those people you would probably still be frustrated. You would be irritated that you weren't making more progress sooner. Things would just seem like… life.

    So what am I trying to say? I think I've seen in my life that there is a lot of very significant "world changing" stuff I can do to shape the future of my existence, and most of it is small day to day stuff that no one would know about or even care. I want to do the big stuff too. I still spend plenty of time wondering what that will be. But until it comes, or I get some more clarity on what it is, I'm trying to focus on what I can do now.

    In short, I want to make my "normal" amazing. I want to enjoy it and bless others with it.

    I do understand what you're saying about not wanting to waste life.

    You're post really got me fired up and I know I've gone back and forth with this normal thing. Normal is normal, life is life. It just is. It doesn't matter who or where you are. It's how we choose to live it. Which is I guess just what you were saying. So in that case, preach it sister.

    (by the way, I'm excited to hang out with you soon.)
