I know that you've all been waiting with baited breath for my next blog post. Really, you can breathe now!
Well, I feel like I should put up a new blog post. Partially to keep people coming back in the future (though this post might bore you to the point of no return) and really, I just like blogging. It's a nice way to get my thoughts out (I'm not patient enough to actually write these things out in a journal!) and document my time, and get feedback from friends!
So, still playing catch-up with some friends these days! Applying for lots of various jobs and trying to be so very patient while waiting for that one special company to realize what gem I am! Doing some odd jobs to pay the bills in the meantime! Enjoying sleeping in nearly every morning! Yesterday and today I spent some time with some really fun people, finding 'the dress' for a super special friend. Yup, been busy! :)
So... that's that. I think this is just a grab bag post. And, here's a picture of my silly dog:
He's so goofy sometimes. Just chillin in the corner. |
Um. Well. I guess that's all for now! :)
Until next time...