Will I always feel this way so empty so estranged?Those are a few of the lyrics from Ray LaMontagne's song 'Empty'. Great song, great artist! This is what I've been thinking a lot about lately. Emptiness. I've had part of verse 11 from Ecclesiastes 3 stuck in my head for the last couple weeks. "God has set eternity in the hearts of man". It just keeps ringing around in my noggin. Today, that verse was repeated in church and it made me wonder... really, what does that even mean? What does it look like to have eternity set in my heart? I looked it up in my wonderful little bible and the commentary said this: "Since we were made for eternity, the things of time cannot fully and permanently satisfy." Sooo true!! I've thought about this much today and considering the amounts of junk that I've accumulated. So worthless! It may satisfy, but only for a short time. Yet even as I write this, I'm thinking how nice a new iPod would be! I know this isn't anything new, but sometimes things like this just hit you, and today it's hit me hard! I still feel empty. You know you've heard the saying that everyone has a 'God-shaped hole in their hearts'. Well, I believe it. Even with Jesus in my heart, I still try and push him aside to make room for other things. Nothing satisfies like He does though. But even after a great time with Him, I'm still left wanting more. I guess that is truly having eternity in my heart. The only remedy is to be constantly united with Him. (So basic, yet so profound. And easier said than done!) My little heart will never be quite full until I'm at last reunited with Him! But in the mean time, I can certainly soak up as much of the Lord as possible.